Sunday, September 18, 2011

Sunny Summer Picnic

This last weekend we went on a picnic. In North Ogden there is a spring that comes from a stump of fiberglass (it replaced the old cottonwood stump.) The water is very pure from this spring and it is tested twice a month to make sure it stays that way. We filled up our water jugs there.

Doesn’t this just look delicious? It makes me want to take a drink even when I’m not thirsty. And it’s cold even though the day is very hot. If it was allowed and if I had brought my bathing suit, I would be sorely tempted to just lay under the flow of water until I needed the sun again to warm me up.

We then went on a picnic above Hardware Ranch. We found a large meadow and set up our little folding table with all the makings of an exceptional lunch. Evelyn and I sat in the shade of the car and ate while Rachael wandered here and there taking samples of the interesting plants she found. She went as far as the other side of the meadow and into the woods on the other side of the road. Evelyn collected some rocks that she thought looked interesting. I was happy with the view and the food.

We stopped occasionally on the way home so that our botanist could collect more samples. We all had a great time and discovered even more places to have picnics in the future.

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